【MRtrix】MRtrixを用いたギブズのリンギングアーチファクト(Gibbs ringing)の除去

1. 目的
2. コマンド
3. 使用例
3.1. 構造MRI(3D-T1WI)への適用
3.2. 拡散MRIへの適用

### 1. 目的

  • MRtrixを用いたギブズのリンギングアーチファクト(Gibbs ringing)の除去

2. コマンド

ギブズのリンギングアーチファクト(Gibbs ringing)を除去するには、MRtrixmrdegibbsを用いる。



     Remove Gibbs Ringing Artifacts


     mrdegibbs [ options ] in out

        in           the input image.

        out          the output image.


     This application attempts to remove Gibbs ringing artefacts from MRI
     images using the method of local subvoxel-shifts proposed by Kellner et
     al. (see reference below for details).

     This command is designed to run on data directly after it has been
     reconstructed by the scanner, before any interpolation of any kind has
     taken place. You should not run this command after any form of motion
     correction (e.g. not after dwifslpreproc). Similarly, if you intend
     running dwidenoise, you should run denoising before this command to not
     alter the noise structure, which would impact on dwidenoise's performance.

     Note that this method is designed to work on images acquired with full
     k-space coverage. Running this method on partial Fourier ('half-scan')
     data may lead to suboptimal and/or biased results, as noted in the
     original reference below. There is currently no means of dealing with
     this; users should exercise caution when using this method on partial
     Fourier data, and inspect its output for any obvious artefacts. 


  -axes list
     select the slice axes (default: 0,1 - i.e. x-y).

  -nshifts value
     discretization of subpixel spacing (default: 20).

  -minW value
     left border of window used for TV computation (default: 1).

  -maxW value
     right border of window used for TV computation (default: 3).

Data type options

  -datatype spec
     specify output image data type. Valid choices are: float32, float32le,
     float32be, float64, float64le, float64be, int64, uint64, int64le,
     uint64le, int64be, uint64be, int32, uint32, int32le, uint32le, int32be,
     uint32be, int16, uint16, int16le, uint16le, int16be, uint16be, cfloat32,
     cfloat32le, cfloat32be, cfloat64, cfloat64le, cfloat64be, int8, uint8,

Standard options

     display information messages.

     do not display information messages or progress status; alternatively,
     this can be achieved by setting the MRTRIX_QUIET environment variable to a
     non-empty string.

     display debugging messages.

     force overwrite of output files (caution: using the same file as input and
     output might cause unexpected behaviour).

  -nthreads number
     use this number of threads in multi-threaded applications (set to 0 to
     disable multi-threading).

  -config key value  (multiple uses permitted)
     temporarily set the value of an MRtrix config file entry.

     display this information page and exit.

     display version information and exit.


mrdegibbs <入力画像> <出力画像> -axes 0,1  # Axial収集
mrdegibbs <入力画像> <出力画像> -axes 0,2  # Coronal収集
mrdegibbs <入力画像> <出力画像> -axes 1,2  # Sagittal収集

3. 使用例

3.1. 構造MRI(3D-T1WI)への適用


mrdegibbs T1w.nii.gz T1w_unringed.nii.gz -axes 0,1


3.2. 拡散MRIへの適用


  • dwidenoiseでノイズを除去した後に実行
  • dwifslpreprocのような歪み・頭の動き補正をする前に実行


mrdegibbs DWI_denoised.nii.gz DWI_denoised_unringed.nii.gz -axes 0,1


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