1. 目的
2. フォルダ構造
3. ソースコード
3.1. segcalc_basalganglia.sh
4. 実行
5. 結果
5.1. nresult_vol.csv
1. 目的
- FSLを用いて大脳基底核(Basal Ganglia)のセグメントと体積(Volume)計測
2. フォルダ構造
segcalc_basalganglia.sh # ソースコード data ├── Sub001 │ └── Sub001_vol.nii ├── Sub002 │ └── Sub002_vol.nii └── Sub003 └── Sub003_vol.nii
3. ソースコード
3.1. segcalc_basalganglia.sh
# folder name foldername="data" # make ROI name file for roiname in \ "Region" \ "Left-Thalamus-Proper" \ "Left-Caudate" \ "Left-Putamen" \ "Left-Pallidum" \ "Brain-Stem/4th/Ventricle" \ "Left-Hippocampus" \ "Left-Amygdala" \ "Left-Accumbens-area" \ "Right-Thalamus-Proper" \ "Right-Caudate" \ "Right-Putamen" \ "Right-Pallidum" \ "Right-Hippocampus" \ "Right-Amygdala" \ "Right-Accumbens-area" do echo $roiname >> tmp1 done # segment basal ganglia and calc volume cd $foldername for k in *;do echo "processing $k" cd $k # move each subject folder echo $k > ../../tmp2 # make ID name file fslreorient2std ${k}_vol std # reorient data to standard run_first_all -i std -o output # segment basal ganglia fslstats -K output_all_fast_firstseg.nii.gz output_all_fast_firstseg.nii.gz -V \ |grep -v missing |cut -d " " -f2 >> ../../tmp2 # calc volume in each basal ganglia ## save ID and volume ,and accumulate them in result_vol.csv cat ../../tmp2 > ../../tmp3 paste ../../tmp1 ../../tmp3 > ../../result_vol.csv cat ../../result_vol.csv > ../../tmp1 cd .. done cd .. # remove temporaly files rm tmp*
4. 実行
$ bash segcalc_basalganglia.sh processing Sub001 processing Sub002 processing Sub003 ...
5. 結果
5.1. nresult_vol.csv
Region | Sub001 | Sub002 | Sub003 |
Left-Thalamus-Proper | 8149.043 | 8709.082 | 7327.969 |
Left-Caudate | 3083.379 | 3821.397 | 3065.977 |
Left-Putamen | 4282.559 | 6002.227 | 4072.94 |
Left-Pallidum | 1759.219 | 2430.791 | 1729.16 |
Brain-Stem/4th/Ventricle | 24451.88 | 28020.15 | 23077.09 |
Left-Hippocampus | 3444.873 | 4572.07 | 3547.705 |
Left-Amygdala | 1850.977 | 1954.6 | 1489.482 |
Left-Accumbens-area | 322.7344 | 637.5586 | 382.8516 |
Right-Thalamus-Proper | 7768.565 | 9053.965 | 7305.821 |
Right-Caudate | 3101.572 | 4038.926 | 3061.231 |
Right-Putamen | 4237.471 | 5684.239 | 4460.537 |
Right-Pallidum | 1803.516 | 2244.902 | 1754.473 |
Right-Hippocampus | 4017.569 | 4812.539 | 3796.875 |
Right-Amygdala | 1585.986 | 1762.383 | 1651.641 |
Right-Accumbens-area | 357.5391 | 509.4141 | 237.3047 |