Make battery-life of Ubuntu 12.04 longer on ThinkPad T430s

It’s been months since I swithed completely to Xubuntu 12.04 from MS Windows on my ThinkPad T430s. Basically I’m satisfied with Xubuntu 12.04, but there are some points which need tweaks. They are…

  • Battery Life
  • Somehow battery on ThinkPad T430s lasts only around 2hours on Xubuntu, which is much shorter than Windows.

  • Projector
  • XFCE is not so good at dealing with projectors or external monitors. I’m still struggling with this matter, so I don’t make any comments now.

As of battery life, I found a very good tool, which is TLP.

By installing TLP, the battery life gets longer by one hour without any modification, which is great.

You can find how to install TLP here.

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