Making 2-up pdf files using pdfnup included in Tex Live 2014

I needed to make a 2-up pdf out of slide pdfs. That is, original slide pdf is landscape, and I wanted to put 2 slides in one page.

Googling led me “pdfnup”. Since I installed Tex Live 2014 on my machine, pdfnup was already installed.

So, I tried the following

$ pdfnup --orient portrait --nup 1x2 input.pdf

This resulted in error, which said

  pdfnup ERROR: the --orient option is not allowed,
  use --landscape or --no-landscape to specify
  the output page orientation

so I used –no-landscape option

$ pdfnup --no-landscape --nup 1x2 input.pdf

This made input-nup.pdf and that is 2-up pdf!

This tool is so useful for preparing handouts for presentation.

In addition to the above example, the author shows a nice example of how to produce a handout from a file of presentation slides.
For slides made with the standard 4:3 aspect ratio a nice 6-up handout on A4 paper can be made by

$ pdfjam --nup 2x3 --frame true --noautoscale false \
  --delta "0.2cm 0.3cm" --scale 0.95 myslides.pdf \
  --outfile myhandout.pdf